“You don’t have to hate him. Look,” Julia leaned over the table, “if I was immortal like you, I’d have way bigger bite marks on me.”
Yuli barked.
Phoebe snorted, once again caught off guard. Then she groaned. “I guess I don’t know how to feel. It isn't good that he's here, and I do want to break our bond. But there have also been times where I wanted him around." She couldn't deny that the thrill Silver gave her was unmatched. "That doesn't even make sense."
“Hey, sometimes things are messy."
Phoebe’s ears flattened noticeably.
Julia continued. “I just don’t want you to end up in a bad situation with him." And there were many bad situations that she could end up in. "There's a reason he can't come out unless Yuli and I are supervising. But I totally understand you having weird feelings about everything."
Unease grew within her. The agreement was for her to join Quill as an individual, on the condition that she wouldn't free Silver and use him to fight against Connell or anyone else. And for the first few days after that decision had been made, Phoebe hadn’t wanted to even think about him. But a restlessness had started to make itself known, one which had only become intertwined with her anger until the two were coiled like serpents.
Hi everyone, there won't be a Katabasis update on Mar 19, and there might not be one on Apr 2 either. Unfortunately there are some very stressful things going on in my personal life and I'm not entirely sure when they'll be resolved because it's mostly out of my hands. Any news will be posted on Bluesky.