About Me

Apex Altra, she/he, adult, East Coast US.

Check out my...
Button collection
Favorite Pokemon
Kin + alterhuman page

Liminal multi shapeshifter. Queer spirit. Biologist with anxiety.

When I was a kid I thought I was an alien cat inside a human body; things haven't changed too much. When I'm not at my day job I'm a digital artist and a writer. I love drawing monsters and furries, and using art to express identity and explore weird shit. Since 2020 I’ve been steadily serializing my first long-form project, Katabasis.

A group pic of me!

My favorite...

General Monsters, masks/costumes/fursuits, furry/postfurry, sci-fi, fantasy, anime/manga, selfshipping
Animals Tigers, binturongs, vultures, owls, pterosaurs, rays/skates, whale sharks, cephalopods, leeches
Plants Fairy lanterns (Thismia), sunflowers, moss
Colors Green, yellow, pastels, jewel tones
Other 2000s to mid-2010s web, guro, HTML/CSS web design, link hoarding, mythology and folklore, nature, plushies, science, sensory, thrifting.